Neues Board neues Problem




auf mein neuen Mainboard ist ein Gbit-NIC von Realtek: 8111
Auf den Downloadseiten von Realtek bekomme ich nur den Quellcode.

Wie lautet der Syntax um aus den Quellcode einen Treiber zu machen?
Also auf der Website von Realtek fand ich die Treiber, kurzerhand heruntergeladen und entpackt...
Folgendes schlaegt mir die "README" vor
README schrieb:
<Linux device driver for Realtek Ethernet controllers>

This is the Linux device driver released for RealTek RTL8168B/8111B
and RTL8168C/8111C, Gigabit Ethernet controllers with PCI-Express


- kernel source tree (supported Linux kernel 2.6.x)
- compiler/binutils for kernel compilation

<Quick install with proper kernel settings>

Unpack the tarball :
# tar vjxf

Change to the directory:
# cd

If you are running the target kernel, then you should be able to do :

# make clean modules (as root or with sudo)
# make install
# depmod -a
# insmod ./src/r8168.ko

You can check whether the driver is loaded by using following commands.

# lsmod | grep r8168
# ifconfig -a

If there is a device name, ethX, shown on the monitor, the linux
driver is loaded. Then, you can use the following command to activate
the ethX.

# ifconfig ethX

,where X=0,1,2,...

<Set the network related information>
1. Set manually
a. Set the IP address of your machine.

# ifconfig ethX "the IP address of your machine"

b. Set the IP address of DNS.

Insert the following configuration in /etc/resolv.conf.

nameserver "the IP address of DNS"

c. Set the IP address of gateway.

# route add default gw "the IP address of gateway"

2. Set by doing configurations in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
/ifcfg-ethX for Redhat and Fedora, or /etc/sysconfig/network
/ifcfg-ethX for SuSE. There are two examples to set network

a. Fix IP address:

b. DHCP:

<Modify the MAC address>
There are two ways to modify the MAC address of the NIC.
1. Use ifconfig:

# ifconfig ethX hw ether YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY

,where X is the device number assigned by Linux kernel, and
YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY is the MAC address assigned by the user.

2. Use ip:

# ip link set ethX address YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY

,where X is the device number assigned by Linux kernel, and
YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY is the MAC address assigned by the user.

<Force Link Status>

1. Force the link status when insert the driver.

If the user is in the path ~/r8168, the link status can be forced
to one of the 5 modes as following command.

# insmod ./src/r8168.ko speed=SPEED_MODE duplex=DUPLEX_MODE autoneg=NWAY_OPTION

SPEED_MODE = 1000 for 1000Mbps
= 100 for 100Mbps
= 10 for 10Mbps
DUPLEX_MODE = 0 for half-duplex
= 1 for full-duplex
NWAY_OPTION = 0 for auto-negotiation off
= 1 for auto-negotiation on
For example:

# insmod ./src/r8168.ko speed=100 duplex=0 autoneg=0

will force PHY to operate in 100Mpbs Half-duplex.

2. Force the link status by using ethtool.
a. Insert the driver first.
b. Make sure that ethtool exists in /sbin.
c. Force the link status as the following command.

# ethtool -s ethX speed SPEED_MODE duplex DUPLEX_MODE autoneg NWAY_OPTION

SPEED_MODE = 1000 for 1000Mbps
= 100 for 100Mbps
= 10 for 10Mbps
DUPLEX_MODE = half for half-duplex
= full for full-duplex
NWAY_OPTION = off for auto-negotiation off
= on for auto-negotiation on
Theoretisch sollte dir damit geholfen sein, wobei die Treiber mit Sicherheit in einem der kommenden Kernelreleases aufgenommen werden.
Um mit z.B. "insmod" zu arbeiten solltest du "Root" werden mit dem Befehl 'su -' ansonsten wird insmod iirc nicht vorhanden sein.

regards ii
tar -xf sourcecodedatei
cd verzeichnis, dass entstanden ist
Danke für eure Mühe, aber die Antworten helfen mir nicht.

Der angebliche Treiber ist noch im Quellformat: r8168_n.c
Die Anleitung habe ich Zeile für Zeile durch genommen, aber es wird kein Treiber daraus gebaut.
Ich verwende zur Zeit. CentOS5 x86_64, was aber kein Grund sein sollte, das es nicht geht.

Wer kann helfen?
- kernel source tree (supported Linux kernel 2.6.x)
- compiler/binutils for kernel compilation

hast du sowas?

Welche distribution verwendest du und hast du diese packete installiert?

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