Kennt jemand von euch zufällig eine Alternative zu dem Texttool "WildEdit "?
Am besten was für Linux und Windows.
Beschreibungstext der Website:
"If you ever need to make the same changes to many files at once, then WildEdit® will save you a lot of time. It is an interactive tool for power users to edit a set of text files in a folder hierarchy, filtered by wildcards. This makes it ideal for editing web pages and software source code, or reformatting log files and newsletters...."
Am besten was für Linux und Windows.
Beschreibungstext der Website:
"If you ever need to make the same changes to many files at once, then WildEdit® will save you a lot of time. It is an interactive tool for power users to edit a set of text files in a folder hierarchy, filtered by wildcards. This makes it ideal for editing web pages and software source code, or reformatting log files and newsletters...."