Routing Problematik



Hallo und guten Abend.

Im Rahmen eines Projektes möchte ich eine Firewall konstruieren.
Dazu verwende ich 3 Thin Clients, die in Reihe geschaltet die Funktionen:

[Packetfilter]---[Application Gateway]---[Packetfilter]

übernehmen sollen.

Ein sogenanntes Screened Subnet, wie hier beschrieben:

Grafik von:

Als ersten Schritte habe ich nun einen der Thin Clients unter OpenBSD aufgesetzt.
Diesen habe ich nun zwischen LAN und Modem geschaltet.



LAN Grün (rl0) Rot (vr0) (Modem)

LAN: [Gateway:,DNS:]
Packetfilter: [Gateway:,DNS:]

Vom Lan kann ich nun auf die Grüne/Rote Schnittstelle des Filters pingen,
doch nicht darüber hinaus.

Bevor ich mit der Filter-Funktion beginne, möchte ich generell vom LAN zum
Modem routen können, dazu habe ich "PF" deaktiviert.

Meine OpenBSD Konfiguration ist die folgende:
inet NONE

inet NONE

#	$OpenBSD: inetd.conf,v 1.59 2005/11/16 09:20:22 camield Exp $
# Internet server configuration database
# define *both* IPv4 and IPv6 entries for dual-stack support.
#ftp		stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/libexec/ftpd	ftpd -US
#ftp		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	/usr/libexec/ftpd	ftpd -US
#shell		stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/libexec/rshd	rshd -L
#shell		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	/usr/libexec/rshd	rshd -L
#uucpd		stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/libexec/uucpd	uucpd
#uucpd		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	/usr/libexec/uucpd	uucpd
#finger		stream	tcp	nowait	_fingerd /usr/libexec/fingerd	fingerd -lsm
#finger		stream	tcp6	nowait	_fingerd /usr/libexec/fingerd	fingerd -lsm
ident		stream	tcp	nowait	_identd	/usr/libexec/identd	identd -el
ident		stream	tcp6	nowait	_identd	/usr/libexec/identd	identd -el
#tftp		dgram	udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/tftpd	tftpd -s /tftpboot
#tftp		dgram	udp6	wait	root	/usr/libexec/tftpd	tftpd -s /tftpboot dgram	udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/comsat	comsat
[::1]:comsat	dgram	udp6	wait	root	/usr/libexec/comsat	comsat
#ntalk		dgram	udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/ntalkd	ntalkd
#pop3		stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/popa3d	popa3d
#pop3		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	/usr/sbin/popa3d	popa3d
# Internal services
#echo		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
#echo		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	internal
#discard	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
#discard	stream	tcp6	nowait	root	internal
#chargen	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
#chargen	stream	tcp6	nowait	root	internal
daytime		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
daytime		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	internal
time		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
time		stream	tcp6	nowait	root	internal
#echo		dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#echo		dgram	udp6	wait	root	internal
#discard	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#discard	dgram	udp6	wait	root	internal
#chargen	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#chargen	dgram	udp6	wait	root	internal
#daytime	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#daytime	dgram	udp6	wait	root	internal
#time		dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
#time		dgram	udp6	wait	root	internal
# RPC based services
#rstatd/1-3	dgram	rpc/udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/rpc.rstatd	rpc.rstatd
#rusersd/1-3	dgram	rpc/udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/rpc.rusersd rpc.rusersd
#walld/1	dgram	rpc/udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/rpc.rwalld	rpc.rwalld
#sprayd/1	dgram	rpc/udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/rpc.sprayd	rpc.sprayd
#rquotad/1	dgram	rpc/udp	wait	root	/usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad rpc.rquotad

#!/bin/sh -
#	$OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.141 2011/02/12 11:21:01 ajacoutot Exp $

# set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
ldpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
ripd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
mrouted_flags=NO	# for normal use: "", if activated
			# be sure to enable multicast_router below.
dvmrpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
ospfd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
ospf6d_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
bgpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
rarpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: "-a"
bootparamd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
rbootd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
sshd_flags=""		# for normal use: ""
named_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
nsd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
rdate_flags=NO		# for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC2030-host]
timed_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
ldattach_flags=NO	# for normal use: "[options] linedisc cua-device"
ntpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
isakmpd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
iked_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
sasyncd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
mopd_flags=NO		# for normal use: "-a"
apmd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
dhcpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
dhcrelay_flags=NO	# for normal use: "-i interface [server]"
rtadvd_flags=NO		# for normal use: list of interfaces
			# be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
route6d_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
			# be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
rtsold_flags=NO		# for normal use: interface
			# be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
			# be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
lpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)
sensorsd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
hotplugd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
watchdogd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
ftpproxy_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
hostapd_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
ifstated_flags=NO	# for normal use: ""
relayd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
snmpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
smtpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
aucat_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""
ldapd_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""

# use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
httpd_flags=NO		# for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

# For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"
spamd_flags=NO		# for normal use: "" and see spamd(8)
spamd_black=NO		# set to YES to run spamd without greylisting
spamlogd_flags=""	# use eg. "-i interface" and see spamlogd(8)

# Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
ftpd_flags=NO		# for non-inetd use: "-D"

# Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
identd_flags=NO		# for non-inetd use: "-b -elo"

# On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
xdm_flags=NO		# for normal use: ""

# For enabling console mouse support (i386 alpha amd64)
wsmoused_flags=NO	# for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

# set the following to "YES" to turn them on
nfs_server=NO		# see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
[B]pf=NO			# Packet filter / NAT[/B]

ipsec=NO		# IPsec
bt=NO			# Bluetooth
portmap=NO		# Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
inetd=YES		# almost always needed
check_quotas=YES	# NO may be desirable in some YP environments
accounting=NO		# process accounting (using /var/account/acct)

krb5_master_kdc=NO	# KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
krb5_slave_kdc=NO	# KerberosV slave KDC.
afs=NO			# mount and run afs

# Multicast routing configuration
# Please look at netstart(8) for a detailed description if you change these
multicast_host=NO	# Route all multicast packets to a single interface
multicast_router=NO	# A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

# miscellaneous other flags
# only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
savecore_flags=			# "-z" to compress
ypserv_flags=			# E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
yppasswdd_flags=NO		# "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
nfsd_flags="-tun 4"		# Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
amd_master=/etc/amd/master	# AMD 'master' map
syslogd_flags=			# add more flags, e.g. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf		# Packet filter rules file
ipsec_rules=/etc/ipsec.conf	# IPsec rules file
bt_rules=/etc/bt.conf		# Bluetooth rules file
pflogd_flags=			# add more flags, e.g. "-s 256"
afsd_flags=			# Flags passed to afsd
shlib_dirs=			# extra directories for ldconfig, separated
				# by space

# rc.d(8) daemons scripts
# started in the specified order and stopped in reverse order


[ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

#	$OpenBSD: sysctl.conf,v 1.49 2011/02/16 10:37:45 mikeb Exp $
# This file contains a list of sysctl options the user wants set at
# boot time.  See sysctl(3) and sysctl(8) for more information on
# the many available variables.
[B]net.inet.ip.forwarding=1[/B]	# 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of IPv4 packets
#net.inet.ip.mforwarding=1	# 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of IPv4 multicast packets
#net.inet.ip.multipath=1	# 1=Enable IP multipath routing
[B]net.inet.icmp.rediraccept=1[/B]	# 1=Accept ICMP redirects
#net.inet6.icmp6.rediraccept=0	# 0=Don't accept IPv6 ICMP redirects
#net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1	# 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of IPv6 packets
#net.inet6.ip6.mforwarding=1	# 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of IPv6 multicast packets
#net.inet6.ip6.multipath=1	# 1=Enable IPv6 multipath routing
#net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1	# 1=Permit IPv6 autoconf (forwarding must be 0)
#net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0		# 0=Disable TCP RFC1323 extensions (for if tcp is slow)
#net.inet.tcp.rfc3390=0		# 0=Disable RFC3390 for TCP window increasing
#net.inet.esp.enable=0		# 0=Disable the ESP IPsec protocol
#net.inet.ah.enable=0		# 0=Disable the AH IPsec protocol
#net.inet.esp.udpencap=0	# 0=Disable ESP-in-UDP encapsulation
#net.inet.ipcomp.enable=1	# 1=Enable the IPCOMP protocol
#net.inet.etherip.allow=1	# 1=Enable the Ethernet-over-IP protocol
#net.inet.tcp.ecn=1		# 1=Enable the TCP ECN extension
#net.inet.carp.preempt=1	# 1=Enable carp(4) preemption
#net.inet.carp.log=3		# log level of carp(4) info, default 2
#ddb.panic=0			# 0=Do not drop into ddb on a kernel panic
#ddb.console=1			# 1=Permit entry of ddb from the console
#fs.posix.setuid=0		# 0=Traditional BSD chown() semantics
#vm.swapencrypt.enable=0	# 0=Do not encrypt pages that go to swap
#vfs.nfs.iothreads=4		# Number of nfsio kernel threads
#net.inet.ip.mtudisc=0		# 0=Disable tcp mtu discovery
#kern.usercrypto=1		# 1=Enable userland use of /dev/crypto
#kern.userasymcrypto=1		# 1=Permit userland to do asymmetric crypto
#kern.splassert=2		# 2=Enable with verbose error messages
#kern.nosuidcoredump=2		# 2=Put suid coredumps in /var/crash
#kern.watchdog.period=32	# >0=Enable hardware watchdog(4) timer if available		# 0=Disable automatic watchdog(4) retriggering
machdep.allowaperture=2		# See xf86(4)
#machdep.apmhalt=1		# 1=powerdown hack, try if halt -p doesn't work
#machdep.kbdreset=1		# permit console CTRL-ALT-DEL to do a nice halt
#machdep.lidsuspend=1		# laptop lid closes cause a suspend
#machdep.userldt=1		# allow userland programs to play with ldt,
				# required by some ports
#kern.emul.aout=1		# enable running dynamic OpenBSD a.out bins
#kern.emul.freebsd=1		# enable running FreeBSD binaries
#kern.emul.linux=1		# enable running Linux binaries
#kern.emul.svr4=1		# enable running SVR4 binaries



/etc/pf.conf habe ich erstmal aussen vorgelassen, da ich es durch "PF=NO" erstmal
deaktiviert habe.

Woran könnte es liegen, dass ich nicht vom einen in das andere Netz gelangen kann?

Brauche ich auf dem Packetfilter einen Routing-Dienst? Würde der nicht das
ganze Sicherheits-Konzept wieder zerhauen?

Vielen Dank für alle Antworten
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