Mixxx crasht beim Starten



Hallo Leute,
also ich bin langsam echt verzweifelt. Ich habe es schon im offiziellen Mixxx Forum gepostet ( http://www.mixxx.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2900 )
Keine Antwort bekommen, wieder stundenlang gegoogelt - nichts!
Das Update, was kürzlich erschienen ist, behob den Fehler auch nicht.
Ich habe auch schon versucht, die einzelnen Programme, die in der Log-Datei stehen zu installieren, habe aber fast keines davon gefunden.
Hier mal meine mixxx.log: http://pastebin.com/JcwhxMfw

Bitte helft mir, mein Laptop zählt zu meiner DJ Ausrüstung, also es sollte schon laufen. Ich benutze es unter openSUSE 11.4 mit der aktuellen KDE 4 Version. Und habe Mixxx somit als binary Package aus dem Packman Repo.

MFG derwunner

um welche Version genau geht's denn? Ich kenn das Programm nicht, hab's aber grad mal spasseshalber unter Ubuntu installiert (Version 1.8.2) und es schien ohne Probleme zu laufen.

Lief es frueher schonmal, und es laeuft jetzt nach einem Update nicht mehr, oder hat es noch nie funktioniert? Hast du mal eine aeltere Version ausprobiert?

Die log Datei sieht eigentlich danach aus als ob nichts grossartig schief geht, er sagt ja nur dass ein paar plugins fehlen, und dann dass gestartet wird. Hast du das Programm mal aus der Konsole gestartet um zu gucken ob es echte Fehlermeldungen ausspuckt?

Hi, ja klar Ubuntu - das ist die einzig offiziell vom Projekt unterstützte Distri.
Hier meine meine Shell Ausgaben:
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: createWaveformViewer() 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Creating new visual waveform 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Making new GL context. 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformRenderer::setupControlObjects - VisualResample:  400 
Debug: [Main]: Got bgColor  QColor(ARGB 1, 0.0980392, 0.0980392, 0.0980392) 
Debug: [Main]: Got signalColor  QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0.803922, 0) 
Debug: [Main]: createWaveformViewer() 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Creating new visual waveform 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformViewerFactory :: Sharing existing GL context. 
Debug: [Main]: WaveformRenderer::setupControlObjects - VisualResample:  400 
Debug: [Main]: Got bgColor  QColor(ARGB 1, 0.0980392, 0.0980392, 0.0980392) 
Debug: [Main]: Got signalColor  QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0.803922, 0) 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/." 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/.." 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/compressor.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "Compress"  not found (required by preset  "Compressor" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/delay5s.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "delay_5s"  not found (required by preset  "Delay5s" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/djflanger.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "djFlanger"  not found (required by preset  "DJFlanger" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/karaoke.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "karaoke"  not found (required by preset  "Karaoke" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/null.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/plate.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "Plate2x2"  not found (required by preset  "PlateReverb" ) 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: Setting up LADSPA EnableEffect "0" 
Debug: [Main]: Key string: "EnableEffect0" 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: Setting up LADSPA EnableEffect "1" 
Debug: [Main]: Key string: "EnableEffect1" 
Debug: [Main]: Setting up LADSPA EnableEffect "2" 
Debug: [Main]: Key string: "EnableEffect2" 
Debug: [Main]: Loading playlists and library tracks from XML... 
Debug: [Main]: Track::readXML "/root/.mixxx/mixxxtrack.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: Track: "/root/.mixxx/mixxxtrack.xml" does not exist. 
Debug: [Main]: Promo track directory does not exist: "/usr/share/mixxx/promo" 
Debug: [Main]: Constructed LibraryScanner!!! 
Debug: [Main]: No playlists, returning 
Debug: [Main]: FIXME: Need to tell the m_pPlaylistListModel to refresh in src/track.cpp on line: 1370 
Debug: [Main]: Starting Library Scanner... 
Debug: [Main]: Trying to add 0 songs to the library playlist 
Debug: [Main]: Adjusting column widths: tracktable width = 100  1% of that is: 1  FIXME: this should be done when initalizing the skin. 
Debug: [Main]: Shrinking Title/Comment for small screen...  
Debug: [Main]: FIXME: repaintEverything switches table model and shouldn't do that when viewing the playlist model in  src/wtracktableview.cpp:  227 
Debug: [MidiObject 1]: MidiMapping: Loading MIDI XML from "/root/.mixxx/MixxxMIDIBindings.xml" 
Debug: [MidiObject 1]: Could not open xml file: "/root/.mixxx/MixxxMIDIBindings.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: SoundManager: Setting defaults 
Debug: [Main]: SoundManager: Setting defaults 
Debug: [Main]: getSliderLatencyMsec in:  12 
Debug: [Main]: getSliderLatencyMsec out:  92 
Debug: [Main]: loadSettings: 0 -12.5 "" 
Debug: [Main]: slotApply crossfader: 1 "" 
Debug: [Main]: BPM Scheme File ConfigKey not set or file missing... setting to "/root/.mixxx/mixxxbpmscheme.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: BpmSchemes::readXML "/root/.mixxx/mixxxbpmscheme.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: BPM Scheme: "/root/.mixxx/mixxxbpmscheme.xml" does not exist. 
Debug: [Main]: getting midi device list, size  0  and:  "" 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: ImgColorProcessor aborting on unsupported color format: 0 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/." 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/.." 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/compressor.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "Compress"  not found (required by preset  "Compressor" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/delay5s.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "delay_5s"  not found (required by preset  "Delay5s" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/djflanger.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "djFlanger"  not found (required by preset  "DJFlanger" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/karaoke.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "karaoke"  not found (required by preset  "Karaoke" ) 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/null.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: file  "/usr/share/mixxx/skins/outlineNetbook/../../ladspa_presets/plate.xml" 
Debug: [Main]: LADSPA: Plugin  "Plate2x2"  not found (required by preset  "PlateReverb" ) 
Debug: [Main]: Setting up LADSPA EnableEffect "0" 
Debug: [Main]: Key string: "EnableEffect0" 
Debug: [Main]: Setting up LADSPA EnableEffect "1" 
Debug: [Main]: Key string: "EnableEffect1" 
Debug: [Main]: Setting up LADSPA EnableEffect "2" 
Debug: [Main]: Key string: "EnableEffect2" 
Debug: [Main]: SoundManager::setupDevices() 
Debug: [Main]: VinylControlProxy: Unknown vinyl type  "" 
Debug: [Main]: Defaulting to Serato... 
Debug: [Main]: Building timecode lookup tables... 
Allocating 2097152 slots (8192Kb) for 20 bit timecode (Serato 2nd Ed., side A)
Debug: [Main]: Starting vinyl control xwax thread 
Debug: [Main]: Building timecode lookup tables... 
Allocating 2097152 slots (8192Kb) for 20 bit timecode (Serato 2nd Ed., side A)
Debug: [Main]: Starting vinyl control xwax thread 
Debug: [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "1, HDA ATI SB: ALC272X Analog (hw:0,0)" 
Debug: [Main]: m_dSampleRate 44100 
Debug: [Main]: iLatencyMSec: 64 
Debug: [Main]: output channels: 2 | input channels: 0 
Debug: [Main]: iFramesPerBuffer 4096 
Debug: [Main]: iLatencyMSec: 64 
Debug: [Main]: Opening stream with id 1 
Debug: [Main]: Opened PortAudio stream successfully... starting 
Debug: [Main]: Dynamically loaded PortAudio library! 
Debug: [Main]: PortAudio: Started stream successfully 
Debug: [Main]: iNumDevicesOpenedForOutput: 1 
Debug: [Main]: iNumDevicesOpenedForInput: 0 
Debug: [Main]: Displaying mixxx 
Debug: [Main]: Adjusting column widths: tracktable width = 799  1% of that is: 7.99  FIXME: this should be done when initalizing the skin. 
Debug: [Main]: Shrinking Title/Comment for small screen...  
Debug: [Main]: Running Mixxx 
Warning: [Main]: QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked.

Sieht für mich nach einer Schleife aus, die nichts sinnvolles zurückliefert.
Sorry, dass ich so lange nichts habe hören lassen. Mixxx aufm Laptop lohnt sich für mich eh erst, wenn ich meine DJ Console habe, und darauf muss ich wohl noch ein paar Monate sparen^^ LG