IP_forwarding unter Solaris 10



ich hatte mal einen Gateway auf Mandriva eingerichtet, ging recht einfach. Nun hab ich mich an Solaris 10 versucht und bin dabei auf einige Hürden gestoßen.
Ip_forwarding aktivieren:
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forwarding 1

Leider hab ich kein /dev/ip, woran liegt das? Ich arbeite innerhalb einer Zone, muss ich da Ressourcen/Treiber frei geben?

Ich habe das gelesen:
"Findet das System mehr als zwei Netzwerkschnittstellen (inklusive des Loopbacks), wird die IP-Weiterleitung standardmäßig aktiviert."
solaris:~ # routeadm
Configuration Current Current
Option Configuration System State
IPv4 forwarding disabled disabled
Mit dem lokalen Interface habe ich ja dann auch 3 Schnittstellen, ist jedoch trotzdem deaktiviert.

Kann mir jmd ein Tip geben?

Gruß Frank
Willst Du NAT oder nur einfaches forwarding?

Gruß Aqualung
NAT wäre schon schön aber im Moment nicht zwingend notwendig.

Besteht darin ein Unterschied? Die weiterleitung brauch ich doch auch so, oder?
Poste mal:

ifconfig -a


ndd /dev/tcp \?

Gruß Aqualung
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
also die interfaces sind richtig configuriert, und was sagen mir Parameter von tcp?
lo0:2: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
bge0:2: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
bge1:1: flags=1000803<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
? (read only)
tcp_time_wait_interval (read and write)
tcp_conn_req_max_q (read and write)
tcp_conn_req_max_q0 (read and write)
tcp_conn_req_min (read and write)
tcp_conn_grace_period (read and write)
tcp_cwnd_max (read and write)
tcp_debug (read and write)
tcp_smallest_nonpriv_port (read and write)
tcp_ip_abort_cinterval (read and write)
tcp_ip_abort_linterval (read and write)
tcp_ip_abort_interval (read and write)
tcp_ip_notify_cinterval (read and write)
tcp_ip_notify_interval (read and write)
tcp_ipv4_ttl (read and write)
tcp_keepalive_interval (read and write)
tcp_maxpsz_multiplier (read and write)
tcp_mss_def_ipv4 (read and write)
tcp_mss_max_ipv4 (read and write)
tcp_mss_min (read and write)
tcp_naglim_def (read and write)
tcp_rexmit_interval_initial (read and write)
tcp_rexmit_interval_max (read and write)
tcp_rexmit_interval_min (read and write)
tcp_deferred_ack_interval (read and write)
tcp_snd_lowat_fraction (read and write)
tcp_sth_rcv_hiwat (read and write)
tcp_sth_rcv_lowat (read and write)
tcp_dupack_fast_retransmit (read and write)
tcp_ignore_path_mtu (read and write)
tcp_smallest_anon_port (read and write)
tcp_largest_anon_port (read and write)
tcp_xmit_hiwat (read and write)
tcp_xmit_lowat (read and write)
tcp_recv_hiwat (read and write)
tcp_recv_hiwat_minmss (read and write)
tcp_fin_wait_2_flush_interval (read and write)
tcp_co_min (read and write)
tcp_max_buf (read and write)
tcp_strong_iss (read and write)
tcp_rtt_updates (read and write)
tcp_wscale_always (read and write)
tcp_tstamp_always (read and write)
tcp_tstamp_if_wscale (read and write)
tcp_rexmit_interval_extra (read and write)
tcp_deferred_acks_max (read and write)
tcp_slow_start_after_idle (read and write)
tcp_slow_start_initial (read and write)
tcp_co_timer_interval (read and write)
tcp_sack_permitted (read and write)
tcp_trace (read and write)
tcp_compression_enabled (read and write)
tcp_ipv6_hoplimit (read and write)
tcp_mss_def_ipv6 (read and write)
tcp_mss_max_ipv6 (read and write)
tcp_rev_src_routes (read and write)
tcp_local_dack_interval (read and write)
tcp_ndd_get_info_interval (read and write)
tcp_local_dacks_max (read and write)
tcp_ecn_permitted (read and write)
tcp_rst_sent_rate_enabled (read and write)
tcp_rst_sent_rate (read and write)
tcp_push_timer_interval (read and write)
tcp_use_smss_as_mss_opt (read and write)
tcp_wroff_xtra (read and write)
tcp_mdt_hdr_head_min (read and write)
tcp_mdt_hdr_tail_min (read and write)
tcp_mdt_max_pbufs (read and write)
tcp_extra_priv_ports (read only)
tcp_extra_priv_ports_add (write only)
tcp_extra_priv_ports_del (write only)
tcp_status (read only)
tcp_bind_hash (read only)
tcp_listen_hash (read only)
tcp_conn_hash (read only)
tcp_acceptor_hash (read only)
tcp_host_param (read and write)
tcp_host_param_ipv6 (read and write)
tcp_1948_phrase (write only)
tcp_reserved_port_list (read only)
tcp_close_wait_interval(obsoleted- use tcp_time_wait_interval) (no read or write)
Ich würde es mal mit

routeadm -e ipv4-forwarding

versuchen. Siehe dazu die Release-Notes von Solaris 10:

IP Forwarding Disabled by Default in Solaris 10 OS

In this Solaris release, IP forwarding is disabled by default. This setting applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 regardless of other system configurations. Systems with multiple IP interfaces that formerly forwarded IP packets by default no longer have this automatic feature. To enable IP forwarding in multihomed systems, administrators must manually perform additional configuration steps.

Workaround: The command routeadm enables IP forwarding. The configuration changes that are the result of routeadm usage persist across system reboots.


To enable IPv4 forwarding, type routeadm -e ipv4-forwarding .

To enable IPv6 forwarding, type routeadm -e ipv6-forwarding .

To apply the enabled IP-forwarding configuration to the currently running system, type routeadm -u.

For more information about IP forwarding, see the routeadm(1M) man page.

Im übrigen auch der erste Treffer bei Google.
oh wer soll denn das wissen ^^

vielen Dank geht, da hab ich routeadm schon vor der Nase gehabt...

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